Mica's website I guess


Their Majesty

A Splatoon 3 Octoling performing the 'Sarcastic Salute' emote

Official portrait, 2023

Born Yes
Died Probably not (this isn't auto-updating)
Current hyperfocus

Screw the gender binary

Hi! I'm Mica and I mostly use this domain for email but I figured I'd put something here.

I used to try and actually write regular blog articles on whatever I was doing at the time but I miiight just not be the type for it. Usually the stuff I'm working on is in a state of perpetual development and I have a tendency towards perfectionism, so it's kinda hard for me to talk about unfinished stuff. Neurodivergence definitely has something to do with it.

Here are some old articles for posterity and cringe (and because I hate leaving broken links on the internet):

I don't use socials really but you can email me at hatsune@mica.lgbt. Thanks for respecting my pronouns when you do! Oh, and I was also peer-pressured into signing up for Matrix: @hmica:matrix.org.

Actually cool sites

To make your visit worth the time, here are some cool sites that I enjoy, in no particular order: